What to do if your CICA claim been rejected

My CICA claim has been rejected, what can I do?

If your CICA claim has been rejected then contact our CICA helpline and speak to an expert lawyer about the options you have. Call us on 0333 888 0446 or send an email to [email protected]

One of the most common questions our team get asked is, ‘My CICA claim has been rejected what can I do?’ Here are your options.

CICA appeals following a final decision

If the CICA refuse to make a compensation payment to you, or you are unhappy with the amount awarded, then you can appeal the final decision.

Appeals are made to the independent First-tier Tribunal (Criminal Injuries Compensation).

The tribunal has the power to uphold the CICA’s original decision, increase (or reduce) your award of compensation, or ask the CICA to remake its decision.

You have just 90 days to make an appeal, starting from the date of the CICA’s review decision.

CICA reviews following an initial decision

If an initial decision is made by the CICA that you disagree with then you can request a review.

A request for review must be made within 56 days of the decision.

Reviews are dealt with by the CICA internally, with a senior claim handler who has not previously been involved in the case reviewing the decision.

Our track record of success in dealing with appeals and reviews

We are proud of our track record of success in dealing with appeals and reviews.

You can read about some of many successes on this website. The cases we have dealt with include:

Compensation increased from £22,000 to £241,000

CICA decision not to award abuse victim compensation overturned

CICA compensation increased from £4,220 to over £40,000

Compensation increased from £11,000 to £69,000 after review

Can I appeal or review a decision myself?

You can submit an appeal or seek a review yourself. However, many of our clients have benefitted from using our services as we are so experienced in challenging CICA decisions and know the sort of things that the CICA often fail to take into consideration, which can make all the difference to the outcome.

No Win, No Fee funding

We work on a No Win, No Fee basis, so we only charge a fee if we are successful in recovering compensation for you or achieve a higher award.

Free CICA helpline

Speak to a member of our team and we will give you an honest appraisal of whether we think we can achieve a better outcome. Call our legal helpline on 0333 888 0446 or send an email to us at [email protected]





What to do if your CICA claim been rejected