What is the time limit for a CICA abuse claim?

We are often asked about the time limit for a CICA abuse claim. Many websites will tell you it is just two years, but the reality is more complex, as this study of one of our recent cases illustrates.

Abuse lawyer, Elizabeth Duncan, was contacted by a client looking for assistance with her application to the government’s Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) Scheme. The client (who we will call B for confidentiality) was a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, but she had discovered she was outside the usual time limit for bringing a CICA claim. She thought she had lost the opportunity of recovering compensation, but decided to speak to Elizabeth before giving up.

It was a good job she did so. B was delighted when Elizabeth explained that although the time limit for making a CICA application is usually two years from the date of the crime, that time limit will often be extended for CICA abuse claims.

Taking account of the catastrophic impact which the sexual abuse had had on B’s mental health over the years, Elizabeth felt that the time limit would be extended. She therefore agreed to prepare and submit an application to the CICA on B’s behalf, working on a No Win, No Fee basis.

The CICA accepted Elizabeth’s representations on extending the time limit and agreed to compensate B.

This led to the CICA making B an award of £11,000. Elizabeth advised B that this was insufficient and applied for that decision to be reviewed. Elizabeth argued that B should receive an extra payment under the CICA scheme as she had been unable to work as a result of the abuse for many years.

This ultimately led to an increased offer being made by the CICA of over £45,000.

B was delighted with the outcome, saying that the compensation would make a huge difference to her life.

If you are an abuse survivor who requires help and guidance with the time limit for a CICA abuse claim, then contact our free legal helpline.

What is the time limit for a CICA abuse claim?