Making a rape claim

We provide free expert guidance on making a rape claim through the government’s CICA scheme.

Rape Crisis is reporting a rise in the number of enquiries it receives, with calls to its helpline now approaching nearly 4,000 a week.

The level of specialist support provided by the organisation to victims of rape and sexual violence has increased by 29% since 2015-16.

93% of those using their services are female.

These statistics mirror the known picture in England and Wales, where around 85,000 women and 12,000 men are raped each year. These startling figures equate to a shocking 11 rapes every hour.

According to the research, An Overview of Sexual Offending in England and Wales around 90% of rape victims know the perpetrator of the offence prior to it occurring. Worryingly, only around 15% of those who experience rape and sexual violence actually report their experiences to the police.

We have a team of lawyers who are committed to helping rape victims seek justice. We offer free initial legal guidance to women and men who wish to pursue a compensation claim against the perpetrator or making a rape claim through the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (the CICA).

Our lawyers will be happy to explain how survivors can report an incident of rape or sexual violence to the police. This is crucial because reporting an incident to the police is a key part of making a successful CICA compensation claim.

CICA compensation for rape and sexual assault is available whether or not the police have arrested or charged the perpetrator, so victims should not be discouraged from applying if no arrest has been made or conviction secured.

Our specialist team can assist with making a rape claim on a No Win – No Fee basis, so there is no need to worry about legal costs.

All enquiries are dealt with compassionately in the total confidence.

If you wish to make a CICA rape claim give our free confidential legal helpline a call on 0333 888 0446 or e-mail us.

Making a rape claim