My CICA claim has been rejected, what can I do? If your CICA claim has been rejected then contact our CICA helpline and speak to an expert lawyer about the options you have. Call us on 0333 888 0446 or
Help with CICA claims
Survey highlights the need for more help with CICA claims. We offer help with CICA claims and are usually able to work on a No Win – No Fee basis. Contact our CICA helpline on 0333 888 0446 or send us
Sex without consent
Claiming compensation for sex without consent Abuse lawyer, Carly Sylvester was recently contacted by Ms R who was looking for legal advice in relation to an incident of domestic sexual assault with a view to claiming compensation for sex without consent. Ms R had been in a long-term relationship with her partner when she began
Getting CICA compensation increased
Our success in getting CICA compensation increased We have helped numerous clients with getting their CICA compensation increased. Awards of compensation made under the CICA Scheme do not always properly compensate the victims of crime. For instance, awards sometimes fail
When your CICA compensation is not enough
What can you do when your CICA compensation is not enough money? If you feel that your CICA compensation is not enough then you have a number of options open to you; as specialist CICA lawyer Liz Duncan explains: If
What can you do when CICA compensation is too low?
When the compensation offered to you by the CICA is too low, it may be time to take expert legal advice. If you think your CICA compensation is too low and you would like to know whether anything can be
Compensation for being abused by a family friend increased after review
Criminal injuries compensation for being abused by a family friend increased from £11,000 to over £69,000 after CICA review If you need guidance on claiming compensation after being abused by a family friend or simply require expert assistance with a
Compensation award increased by over £200,000
We get our client’s CICA compensation increased from £22,000 to £241,901 Criminal injuries compensation specialist Elizabeth Duncan recently settled a CICA claim for £241,901 after the CICA had made an initial offer of £22,000. Elizabeth’s client, who we will refer
CICA lawyer provides legal training to charities
If you need guidance on claiming criminal injuries compensation then contact CICA lawyer Liz Duncan. She will be happy to provide you with a free case assessment and can workmen a No Win, No Fee basis. Simply contact our legal
CICA appeal success
We successfully help a victim of violence with her CICA application If you need the assistance of an expert lawyer with your CICA application then contact our legal helpline on 0333 888 0446 or send an email to us at [email protected] Compensation claim