Making a criminal injuries assault claim
If you are looking for experienced criminal injuries lawyers to deal with your criminal injuries assault claim on a No Win, No Fee basis then call our free legal helpline on 0333 888 0446 or send an email to us at [email protected]
The overwhelming majority of criminal injury compensation claims submitted to the CICA are made by victims of assault.
CICA injury compensation ranges from £1,000 to £250,000, depending upon the severity of the injuries suffered. Loss of earnings and other expenses can also be recovered up to a maximum of £250,000. The combined amount of compensation payable under the CICA scheme is therefore £500,000.
Although victims of crime can submit a CICA application themselves, it often pays to retain a specialist solicitor to fight your case. We are able to maximise the prospects of an award being made. Our efforts can also have a direct impact on the amount of compensation paid. One of our clients had their award increased by over £170,000 when we reopened the case for them. Read our article ‘Do I Need a Solicitor‘ for further details.
We can deal with your criminal injuries assault claim on a No Win, No Fee basis. This means that if you are not awarded compensation then you do not have to pay us a penny for the work we carry out.