Making a Hit And Run Claim

Contact us for guidance on making a hit and run claim to recover compensation for your injuries.

Intentional hit and run claims

If you have been injured by someone using a vehicle with the intention of causing harm you may be eligible to claim compensation from the CICA criminal injuries scheme.

The CICA is a government run scheme that compensates innocent victims of violent crime.

The term ‘violent crime’ includes the use of a car or other vehicle with the deliberate intent to cause injury to the victim.

We can deal with your CICA hit and run claim on a No Win, No Fee basis. This means that we will not charge you for the time we spend dealing with your case if it is not successful.

Accidental hit and run claims

Alternatively, you may have been the victim of an accidental “hit and run” incident.

This is where you are injured by the driver of a car or other vehicle who cannot be traced.

Ordinarily you would be entitled to make a claim against the other driver’s insurance company, but if the driver cannot be traced the identity of their insurer will not be known.

To prevent victims of untraced hit and run drivers losing out a scheme has been set up that allows an accidental hit and run claim to be made against the Motor Insurers Bureau, or MIB.

The MIB also compensate people who have suffered injury in an accident involving an uninsured driver.

We can deal with your MIB hit and run compensation claim on a No Win, No Fee basis, which means that you do not have to worry about financial risk when making a claim for compensation.

How we can help with your claim: Contact us for a free consultation

For specialist legal advice on making a hit and run compensation claim, and to find out where you stand, you can call our free helpline for a no-obligation assessment by one of our award-winning team.

Call us on 0333 888 0446 or email us at [email protected]

Making a Hit And Run Claim