Fatal Criminal Injury Claims

Making a CICA compensation claim for death caused by violent crime.

Dependents and close relatives of someone who dies as a result of a violent crime may be entitled to claim criminal injuries compensation from the CICA.

People who are entitled to claim CICA compensation include the victim’s spouse or partner, their natural or adoptive parents and any children they leave behind.

As with all CICA compensation claims, if the victim’s behaviour led to or contributed to the incident, then payment may be withheld, so the facts of the incident can be of crucial importance to the success of the claim.

When making a CICA claim for death under the criminal injuries scheme, we will consider compensation payments for the following:

  • Bereavement payments
  • Payments to dependent children to compensate for things they have lost out on, such as care, treats and love and affection
  • Dependency payments for financial and physical dependency
  • Funeral payments

CICA death claims can still be made if the victim dies of their injuries sometime after the incident and has already been compensated for the injury under the scheme.

Where a victim dies of an unrelated cause before compensation is awarded their relatives may still be eligible for payment under the scheme.

We deal with CICA compensation claims on a no win, no fee basis.

For free specialist guidance on making a CICA compensation claim for death arising from a violent crime, call our dedicated helpline on 0333 888 0446 or e-mail us.

Fatal Criminal Injury Claims