CICA Sex Abuse Claims

Sexual and physical abuse has been making the headlines in recent years. People are becoming increasingly willing to speak out about their experiences and as a result legal claims are on the rise.

Our abuse team specialise in recovering compensation for victims of physical and sexual abuse. You can check out what we do on our dedicated website

We are also members of ACAL, the Association of Child Abuse Lawyers.

Compensation claims can be made through the civil courts, but where the defendant has limited assets and no insurance then a CICA criminal injuries claim should be considered.

The CICA scheme specifically provides compensation payments for sexual and physical abuse and will look at injuries sustained as part of a pattern of abuse.

The strict time limits that normally govern CICA claims can be relaxed where the victim has suffered sexual or physical abuse.

In the 2016 case of R (on the application of CICA) v First-Tier Tribunal (CIC) & MB a victim of historic abuse was allowed to pursue a claim that had originally been rejected in 1997.

This means that victims of historic abuse should not be put off making a claim. But don’t delay any longer. Seek specialist legal advice immediately to avoid encoutering problems.

Claiming compensation for sexual and physical abuse can be particularly complex. Our lawyers are always happy to talk things through on a confidential and free of charge basis. Call 0333 888 0446 or email us at [email protected]

CICA Sex Abuse Claims