CICA compensation for domestic abuse

Successful CICA claim for the victim of domestic abuse

For expert guidance on recovering CICA compensation for domestic abuse contact our free, confidential helpline by phone or email.

CICA lawyer, Elizabeth Duncan, represented a client who had suffered from sexual abuse at the hands of her former partner over the course of their relationship. This had a profound impact on the woman’s life and mental health. We shall refer to Elizabeth’s client as Y for privacy.

Once Y had been able to get away from her abusive partner she bravely reported the abuse she had endured to the police.

Y reached out to Elizabeth to find out about her options on getting help for the impact which the abuse had on her.

Elizabeth was able to advise Y about the availability of CICA compensation for domestic abuse. The government’s Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) scheme provides compensation to the victims of violent crime and sexual offences, including those classed as domestic abuse.

There are various eligibility criteria, one of which relates to the time limit for making an CICA application. The usual time limit is two years but Y was well outside that. However, Elizabeth was able to give her hope that the time limit could be extended under a section of the scheme dealing with exceptional circumstances which prevent people from being able to make their application in time.

Y asked Elizabeth to assist with her CICA application and Elizabeth agreed to do so on a No Win No Fee basis.

The CICA was persuaded by Elizabeth’s arguments in relation to the time period and made an offer of compensation to Y. However, the offer was for just £3,300 and under the scheme Elizabeth strongly believed that Y should receive a higher amount. Elizabeth therefore submitted an application for a review. This was successful and resulted in an improved offer being made of £13,500.

This increased offer was accepted by Y, who was delighted with the outcome. While the money will not erase the horror of the abuse, it will enable Y to access specialist, privately funded medical services to help her move on and rebuild her life.

If you wish to find out more about No Win, No Fee CICA claims for domestic abuse, contact our CICA compensation helpline now for a free, no obligation chat and a free case assessment. Call us on 0333 888 0446 or Email Us.

CICA compensation for domestic abuse